So, Will decides to give a presentation to some rich potential investors. In fact, the virus also seems to be enhancing the female’s own intelligence. Will’s tests on the female chimp are going very well. Will hopes the virus will be a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease, including his elderly father’s sickness.
The movie opens with Will, a scientist in San Francisco, testing a special virus on a female chimpanzee. However, it does encourage viewers to cheer for the apes escaping their human handlers and obtaining their freedom. Like that classic movie, RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES still has some humanist conceits – specifically, that animals can attain souls like that of human beings, who are “made in God’s image” (Genesis 1:27) – but it has no humanist references to evolution or humanist attacks on religion. A reboot of the whole PLANET OF THE APES scenario that started in 1968, the new movie is much, much better than Tim Burton’s boring remake of the 1968 Charlton Heston and Rod Serling classic, PLANET OF THE APES. The apes and primates look perfectly real – and very, very angry – in 20th Century Fox’s new prequel RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES.
(H, E, RoRo, B, Pa, Acap, LL, VV, S, N, M) Light humanist, environmentalist worldview posits animals (specifically apes) can obtain equal sentient status or souls to humans simply by biological means, mixed with some strong Romantic notions of “the noble savage” that extol emotional ties between humans and animals and Romantic ideas about zoos and other similar human institutions, some moral elements promoting compassion, mercy and freedom (including some rebukes against revenge), but also a pagan instance of revenge that seems validated, plus an anti-capitalist element where a medical company leader puts profits above ethics 10 mostly light obscenities (mostly “h” words, a couple “s” words, one “d” word), three strong profanities (two GDs and one using Jesus) and four or five light exclamatory profanities (such as OMG) strong violence of one kind or another, often with scary creatures, includes female ape goes berserk because she thinks scientific researchers are going to hurt her unborn baby, chimp with scientifically engineered intellect attacks mean man who gets angry with the elderly father of the chimp’s handler, chimps fight among one another, mean zoo keeper shocks and tranquilizes chimps, mean zoo keeper uses hose on chimp for spite, mean zookeeper electrocuted, chimp uses aerosol of brain-enhancing virus to help himself and other apes gain intelligence and escape zoo, apes go on rampage in San Francisco includes property damage and taking weapons away from police, apes win battle against police trying to kill them, leader of escaped apes stops fellow apes from killing or really maiming police in revenge, an ape is shot while stopping an officer in a helicopter from shooting ape leader, and another ape gets revenge on a human villain (which movie seems to endorse) no sex scenes but couple shown sleeping in bed together but movie never shows whether they are married or not upper male nudity no alcohol use no smoking and, lying, revenge is rebuked in some scenes but not rebuked in another scene, abuse of animals but rebuked, human gets terminally ill and coughs up blood droplets from virus meant to cure Alzheimer’s Disease, and scientist secretly steals an earlier strain of the virus meant to cure Alzheimer’s to help his father. Caution is advised, especially for pre-adolescents. The movie also has intense violent scenes, scary creatures and some foul language. However, these positive elements are undercut by some Romantic, humanist ideas. It also promotes compassion, mercy and freedom. RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES is brilliantly directed and acted. Caesar manages to escape one night, finds Will’s new, even more powerful virus and decides to lead the apes at the zoo in a revolt back to nature.

Unknown to Will, Caesar is abused by the zoo owner’s mean son. A misunderstanding with a mean neighbor eventually forces Will to place Caesar in a small local zoo. Will finds Caesar, the baby chimp, to have the same enhanced intelligence as his mother, so he keeps Caesar.

When the main female chimp goes berserk, Will secretly takes home her male baby when she has to be put to sleep. In this one, a scientist named Will looking for a cure to Alzheimer’s Disease stumbles upon a virus that also improves the intelligence of the experimental chimpanzees. RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES is a reboot of the famous franchise about intelligent monkeys.